Ethical and Social Policy

Clipper International Corporation, distributors of Caribee and Brahma products are committed to our Health, Safety, Ethical and Social Policy, to aspire to a Better Workplace and Environment.


The health, safety and wellbeing of our employees is central to everything we do.  At Clipper International we have made a commitment to:

  • Provide a safe workplace for all employees, visitors and contractors.
  • Meet the requirements of all relevant legislation, standards and codes of practice.
  • Ensure health and safety is integrated into operational procedures.
  • Ensure managers remain directly responsible and accountable for the health, safety and wellbeing of employees and that adequate resources are provided.
  • Ensure all employees understand their duty of care to work in a safe manner, to report health and safety matters.
  • Work in collaboration with our suppliers and contractors to ensure they conduct business with us in a safe manner.
  • Provide a supportive workplace culture where healthy lifestyle choices are valued and encouraged.
  • Encourage positive and respectful relationships with co-workers, clients and customers.
  • Encourage work and health practices that enhance mental health and wellbeing and ensure employees have access to support during difficult times.


We will abide by all applicable environmental laws and regulations. We have enacted polices to reduce our waste, including recycling of all cardboard waste, and Printer Cartridges. We are signatories to the Australian Packaging Covenant and strive to implement initiatives to further reduce waste.

Product Safety

We will abide by all applicable laws and regulations regarding the safety of the Products we sell.

Labour Laws and Regulations

  • We will not use any form of forced labour, including indentured, prison, bonded or slave labour.
  • We will not allow the use of child labour, and will comply with Minimum age provision laws and regulations .
  • We respect the rights of employees to associate or organise without fear of reprisal or interference.
  • We will not discriminate in hiring or employment practices, on the basis of age, nationality, religion, social status, gender or disability.
  • We will comply with all applicable wage, work hours, hiring, benefits and overtime laws and regulations.
  • We will provide a safe, healthy and secure workplace and will abide by all applicable laws and regulations for health and safety. Proper sanitation, lighting, ventilation and fire safety protection will be provided.

Manufacturers and Suppliers

We require all Manufacturers / Suppliers that deal with our business to comply with our Ethical Policy. All suppliers are required to comply with all applicable and National laws. When applicable staff from Clipper International will conduct inspections of Suppliers Facilities.

This policy will be reviewed regularly to ensure its ongoing effectiveness and to facilitate the continuous improvement of Health, Safety and Wellbeing at Clipper International.

Caribee Collaroy Beach Shelter
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